Friday, May 16, 2014


Summer is a wonderful time of year. There are so many outdoor activities to enjoy. Even though we love being in the sun, it can be dangerous. Heat exhaustion, heatstroke, heat cramps are all caused by excessive loss of water through sweating.

  • Hot, flushed skin
  • High fever
  • Not sweating
  • Confusion 
  • passing out
  • Seizures
  • Low blood pressure
First aid/Treatment
  • Call 911 IMMEDIATELY.
  • The high fever can be a life-threatening emergency. Cool the person off as rapidly as possible. Move them to a cool place (shade or air conditioned area). Sponge them with cool water (as cold as is tolerable), and fan them. Place cool clothes or ice under the arms, around neck, on top of the head. If the person is unconscious, immersion of the body (not the face) in cold water could be life-saving. NOTE:Ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) will NOT help.
  • If the person is conscious, give them a glass of cold water to drink every 15 minutes until they feel better.

Heat Exhaustion

  • Cold, pale skin
  • No fever or low grade fever 101°F or 102°F
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Weakness
First aid/Treatment
  • Call the healthcare provider IMMEDIATELY.
  • Put the person in a cool place (shade or air conditioned area). 
  • Have them lie down with their feet elevated.
  • Give them a glass of cold water to drink every 15 minutes until they feel better.
  • Their healthcare provider will probably want to examine them. After 2 or 3 glasses of water, take the person for medical evaluation. Continue to offer water.

Heat Cramps

  • Severe cramps in the legs, arms, or abdomen. 
  • Tightness or spasms of the extremities.
  • No fever
Home care of heat cramps
Heat cramps are the most common reaction to excessive heat. They are never serious. Once  re-hydrated and cooled down, the symptoms usually go away in a few hours. Give a glass of cold water to drink every 15 minutes until feeling better. Salty foods such as chips or crackers also help.


Drink extra fluids. 
Avoid salt tablets because they slow down the absorption of water. 
Light-colored, lightweight clothing will help keep you cooler. 

NOW you can safely enjoy playing in the sun. Grab your favorite summer hat. Put on some sunscreen. Drink plenty of water. REMINDER: The hotter it is the more often you need to drink water.

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