Saturday, June 14, 2014


One way to attract birds to your back yard is by providing a bird bath so they can drink and bathe.
It's really easy to do.

Bird Bath Construction

 3 or 4 terra cotta pots glazed or unglazed. (If you purchase unglazed, you can choose whatever colors you want to decorate the terra cotta pots or you can leave them natural. Check with the sales person to make sure the paint is safe for the birds.)

1 large terra cotta saucer
1 small or medium terra cotta saucer
12- 20 colorful glass stones

Stack the terra cotta pots largest on bottom (see image).
Place the large saucer on top of the pots. Hot glue the smaller saucer to the larger saucer (refer to image). 

Place colorful glass stones in the bottom of the large saucer. You may want to eliminate this step if you have small children. Fill with water. Add few drops of vegetable oil or olive oil to prevent mosquitoes from laying there larvae in your brand new bird bath. Watch the birds have fun.

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