Tuesday, June 24, 2014


What is depression?

Depression is a condition in which a person feels sad, hopeless, and uninterested in daily life. The depression may keep them from doing everyday activities.
Depression  may be a one-time problem or may continue for weeks or months. Depression may come back and get worse if not treated.

How is it diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider or a mental health therapist will ask about the symptoms, medical and family history, and any medicines they are taking. Your healthcare provider will make sure that your loved one does not have a medical illness or drug or alcohol problem that could cause the symptoms.
Many symptoms of depression are also symptoms of other disorders. Sometimes it is hard to tell depression from other problems such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. A licensed mental health therapist, Psychiatrist or Psychologist who is qualified to diagnose depression can help you and your family member.

How is it treated?

Both medicines and talk therapy are useful to treat depression.
Cognitive behavior therapy
helps people learn about depression, along with teaching skills for managing their physical symptoms, negative thoughts, and problem behaviors.
Family therapy is often very helpful. Family therapy treats the family as a whole rather than focusing on the depressed family member.
Several types of medicines can help treat depression. Your healthcare provider will work with you to select the best medicine for your family member.  If anxiety symptoms continue, then medicines just for anxiety may be added.While rare, antidepressants may make a your family member  more depressed or even suicidal. It is very important to watch for new or worsening symptoms, especially when the depressed individual first starts taking the medicine. Talk with your healthcare provider about the risks and benefits of these medicines. In most cases there are more benefits than risks.

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