Sunday, November 9, 2014


Recently, The Breakdown Café was treated and by treated I mean received a free coupon to try Arla Dofino Creamy Havarti Cheese.

Here's the breakdown. Arla Dofino Creamy Havarti cheese
is indubitably the best Havarti in the refrigerated deli section of my market. We at The Breakdown Café enjoyed Arla Dofino Creamy Havarti cheese alone and with whole wheat crackers, sweet juicy grapes, and melted in a grilled cheese.

If you are looking for a great tasting snack, The Breakdown Café gives 5 out of 5 stars for taste, creamy texture, and it's ability to melt. We feel the price per package is perfect at $6.98 for 8 oz of cheese with the serving size being 1 ounce. This cheese will serve 8 people for less than $1 a serving. There are only 120 calories per serving, 10 grams of  Fat, and 5 grams of Protein. Give it try. We know you will find it as yummy as we did.

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