Wednesday, March 25, 2015


So many people are experiencing negativity in their lives. I just want you to take the time to count your blessings. Take a vacation from the negative things in your life and focus on the positive things in your life.What made me think of this? Here's the breakdown:

My dear Christian sister is dying of ovarian cancer. She is being so positive. She said the first day she found out about it, she called another Christian sister and cried. She said, "I'm over the tears. I'm just looking forward to the future."

Smiling, I said, "I'll see you in the new system. You will just be asleep for a little while."

She smiled and said, "I know you're right." We  both giggled. She has such strength and grace. I've learned a lot from her. She's  a good teacher. What a blessing it is to know her.

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