Wednesday, December 18, 2013


A friend of mine has been courageously battling cancer. I went with her to one of her appointments with her surgeon. Let me just say, he had no bedside manner. She would attempt to ask him questions. He would flippantly say something. He never answered her questions. I had to maintain my composure. I calmed myself, and asked him a question. He looked @ me like I was less than human. Without showing him my "RN card," I continued to ask questions until he gave me some valid answers.   After that awful visit, I started to wonder about all the people who don't have an RN for a friend or relative. I am very concerned for you guys. This is why my friends and family encouraged  me to blog. You can talk to me. Ask or tell me what's on your mind relating to your healthcare.  How do your physicians treat you? Do you feel your physicians listen to you? Let me know!

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