Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I've been requested to blog about heart health. I understand that it is difficult to get yourself motivated to eat healthy and exercise. There are some neat tricks that can help you stay on target with your diet and exercise program. Here's the breakdown.
1) Get active. Try some stretches while you are grooming. I usually do this while I am brushing my teeth.
2) Eat healthy. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. I know. I know. You've heard this all before. BUT are you complying? Wake up to a healthy bowl of oatmeal. I'm not talking about that stuff you get in little packages that has a lot of sugar and  trans fat. Yes, trans fat.  
3) You must become a label reader. Try the old fashioned oats. You can cook them in the microwave. Add a dash of cinnamon. It makes your kitchen smell warm and inviting. It gives the oatmeal a sweeter taste. You can try different types of cinnamon. I like Saigon cinnamon. There is an added bonus. Cinnamon is a great antioxidant. There are studies that show it may  benefit heart health and regulate blood sugar. 
4) Keep up your energy.  Eat a morning snack. Grab a piece of fruit. Drink a refreshing glass of water. I can not emphasis the importance of water. Water replenishes us and helps our bodies eliminate waste. If you don't like the taste of water, try squeezing some lemon or lime juice in your glass. If you are still saying, "I don't like water." Put your water in a pretty glass. I like clear glasses. They make the water look so pure. Yes, I have to make myself drink water. I do practice what I preach. 
5) Eat a healthy lunch. I get it. There are a lot of fast food restaurants. How do you maintain a heart healthy diet while dining in these places? You are probably thinking, "She is going to say eat the salads." NO, you're wrong. Some restaurant salads have more fat and calories in them than their burgers. Try to avoid eating out. Save yourself some money. Fall in love with your kitchen and get creative. Think of the things you ate as a child that you loved. Send me an email or add a suggestion in the comment box. I will find you a replacement recipe.  Check under recipe section in my blog for heart healthy recipes. 
6) Stay Positive. Being positive will help keep you motivated. We can do this!

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