Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Combine 1 CUP sugar with 4 CUPS water in a small saucepan. Heat to a boil, stirring constantly until sugar granules dissolve. Allow mixture to boil for 10 minutes. This will prevent mold spores from forming. Cool completely before adding to your feeders. Store extra nectar in your refrigerator.


  • Do not add food coloring! Use a colorful feeder and leave the nectar au natural. Although food coloring may be safe for humans, it hasn't been tested for birds.

  • Do not use sugar substitutes (like Sweet 'n' Low, Splenda or Equal). Hummingbirds' bodies need actual sucrose--the substitutes could kill them. 

  • Do not add extras, like honey, brown sugar or corn syrup. The simple recipe is perfect as is. Any additions could cause the nectar to ferment more quickly or harm the hummingbirds.

  • Change the nectar weekly, or more often in warm temperatures. Yeasts like to feed on sugar, which can cause fermentation. This process won't turn the nectar to wine, but it could make hummingbirds sick.

  • Store extra nectar in a closed container in the refrigerator. 
  • Clean the hummingbird feeder each time when you refill it. Rinse well and dry to prevent mold growth.
  • Bring the nectar to room temperature before adding the nectar to your cleaned & dried feeder. 
  • Just sit back and enjoy your new hummingbird neighbors. They are such a joy to watch.

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