Sunday, May 17, 2015


There's still more to Lori's Grill than her delicious breakfast and entrees.Here's the breakdown: 
They have a wonderful pastry chef from the Netherlands. Her name is Dee (pronounced Day). She makes the most scrumptiously moist and delicious cupcakes.
Let me tell you guys. The hardest part of blogging is the research. I had to sample several of the cupcakes. 
The pineapple cupcake has to be one of my favorites. It was full of pineapple flavor. Just to prove her point, Ms Dee topped the luscious cupcake with a candied pineapple chunk. The maple syrup and bacon is also one of my favorites. Yes, it takes like maple syrup and bacon. Yummy! Great for breakfast with coffee. The peanut butter cupcake was moist, peanutty and delicious. The strawberry cupcake was my least favorite, because the cake was from a mix that used imitation strawberry flavoring. My suggestions is that Ms Dee work on a strawberry cake recipe that incorporates fresh or frozen strawberries. 

Here's a helpful hint:
If you want to know how I was able to eat dessert after all that food, I'll tell you my foolproof secret.  1) Always eat dessert first. 2) Order the mini cupcakes. Yes, you can have your cupcake with your lunch and not feel guilty.

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