Monday, December 19, 2016


6 Ways to Help Boost Your Concentration

Here are 6 strategies that may help boost your concentration to help optimize performances in your career.  

1. Prioritize Tasks
Prioritizing tasks can help you maintain focus. Tackle the most important jobs first and save the smaller tasks for some other time. Start by making a list placing the most important tasks at the top.

2. Decrease Use Of Electronic Devices
Electronic devices can be distracting. Incessantly interacting with electronic equipment can decrease your level of concentration and prevent you from focusing on the task at hand. Crave out time in your busy schedule that eliminates the use of electronic devices.

3. Get Organized
Remove clutter from your work space. Regularly clean your space. Office supply stores have some great products to help get your desk organized.

4. Relax
Finds ways to relax throughout the day. Some healthy options include breathing techniques, listening to calming music, imaging yourself in a stress free environment.

5. Exercise
A Harvard Health Publication endorses regular physical activity because exercise releases chemicals in the brain that work to enhance mental sharpness, concentration, and memory. 

6. :Play Memory Games
Who knew that those games that we played as kids would help us concentrate. Games like go fish, concentration etc can help boost our memory. 

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