Sunday, August 6, 2017

5 Things That Could Be Causing Your Leg Cramps

Leg cramps are both annoying and painful. When the pain hits frequently you may be wondering what caused the cramp in the first place.

Some of the causes of leg cramps include:
Lack of Exercise

Regular exercise is important to overall muscle health. If you participate in strenuous exercise it's important to remember to stretch both before and after the exercise. In fact, stretching itself can be a great exercise. The popularity of yoga is a testament to this. Stretch your calves by keeping your feet flat on the floor and leaning forward with your hands on a wall in front of you.

Stretch your hamstrings by standing straight and touching your toes. Stretch your quads by standing on one leg and holding your ankle behind your leg in one hand.
Your muscles are 70 percent water. This is important to remember when looking at the different causes of your leg cramps. Experts agree that you should be drinking eight glasses of water per day, or about 64 ounces, which is two quarts per day. This will ensure proper muscle hydration and fluidity.
High Rate of Sweat
If you sweat a lot then this can be another factor to take into consideration. If you exercise a lot in cooler temperatures and then try to exercise at the same pace in a warmer climate you can experience severe leg cramps. It also can lead to dehydration which exacerbates the cramping.
Drinking Too Much Water
While dehydration is by far the main cause of leg cramps, it is important to realize that there is a danger on the other end of the spectrum as well. Drinking too much water, which is defined as more than a gallon a day, can cause the body to flush too many on its electrolytes through its system, thereby leading to cramping.
Lack of Electrolytes
Another common cause of leg cramps is a lack of electrolytes. The most important electrolytes that your body needs are sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Sodium is simply salt and can be found in a variety of foods that are widely available. If you have deficiencies of magnesium, almonds are a great natural source. And bananas are a great source of potassium. Finally, calcium is found in abundance in dairy products like cheese and yogurt.

If you keep your diet high in electrolytes, drink enough water, and do proper stretching before exercise you should minimize leg cramping as much as possible in the future.

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